Srinagar: Enforcement Directorate has on Monday issued a summon to Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Dr. Farooq Abdullah in Jammu Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA) ‘scam’ case. As learnt, the senior politician has been summoned for questioning with regard to multi-crore scam, for tomorrow. The ED’s move, as opined by the people in the knowhow of things, underscores intensifying scrutiny into the alleged financial irregularities within the JKCA during Abdullah’s tenure. Meanwhile, Srinagar-based news agency KNO quoted senior Abdullah as saying that he won’t be able to visit the office of ED as he is presently in Jammu. “I will visit the office once I reach Srinagar,” he said. Share this:PostWhatsAppTelegramTweetEmailLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation DDC Kupwara reviews progress of ongoing works under JJM Lok-Adalat on Cheque Bounce (138 NI Act) cases to be held on 17 February, 2024