Rural institutions like schools, Anganwadi centres, health centers to be provided with internet connections

Srinagar, August 17 (GNS): Chief Secretary, Dr Arun Kumar Mehta today take stock of implementation of “Extending Services of Bharat-Net” to Gram Panchayats in a meeting here.

Dr Mehta emphasised on swift implementation of this mission for the overall benefit of all the rural households especially the students, and other stakeholders. He maintained that high speed internet services have gain significance in the last few years and especially during the testing times of corona disease.

He impressed upon all to ensure the project is completed on time as J&K has already made a mark in digital governance. He said that without extending the services of high speed internet to all the citizens the objective of digital J&K would not get fulfilled.

It was given in the meeting that infrastructure created under Bharat-Net project can be utilized for provisioning of broadband/internet services through Wi-Fi Hotspots, Fibre to the Home (FTTH) connections, leased lines, dark fibre, backhaul to mobile towers, etc.

Elucidating it was given out that the project aims to provide affordable broadband services to citizens and institutions in rural and remote areas, towards realization of the vision of ‘Digital India’.
In Jammu & Kashmir, 988 Gram Panchayats (GPs) have been declared service ready by Bharat Broadband Network Ltd. (BBNL) under Bharat Net project of GoI. The administration here intends to further extend the connectivity of 427Gram Panchayats to various J&K UT government owned departments viz school, Anganwadi, Health Centre, Police Station, Post office etc. and also provide private broadband connections (FTTH connections) in the rural areas.

The UT government owned offices and private FTTH connections in each GPs are likely to be connected via internet connection under Bharat-Net project in Jammu &Kashmir. In this direction asset creation at Gram Panchayat for FTTH roll out shall be created by procuring GPON, OLT, ONT and related accessories which shall be provided by ISP to roll out FTTH service in the village.

Under the project it is proposed to create infrastructure of 350 connections for one Gram Panchayat. Assuming 350 FTTH (Fibre to The Home) broadband connections in each GPs are likely to be connected under Bharat-Net project in J&K UT.

Giving details it was revealed that Bharat-Net connectivity is already established up to 988 Gram panchayats with 427 GPs on OFC in the J&K UT, which will be utilized and it is proposed to provide 350 connections at about 427 GPs in the J&K UT entailing a capital investment of Rs 352.702crores, in next one year.

Extending Services of Bharat-Net to Last Mile Connectivity (LMC) in 427 GPs is the most important initiatives being rolled out by the government here. Among the benefits of the project are high availability, increased productivity, enhanced security, cost reduction, increased transparency, enhanced connectivity etc, as was learnt during the meeting.(GNS)

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