Shoaib Malik, the renowned former Pakistan cricketer, tied the knot with popular Pakistani actor Sana Javed in a wedding ceremony on Saturday, January 20. The celebration was shared on social media through photos posted by Shoaib Malik. The marriage comes amid ongoing rumours of Shoaib’s separation from his previous marriage with former Indian tennis player Sania Mirza. The couple, who share a child together, had been surrounded by separation speculations for several months. Share this:PostWhatsAppTelegramTweetEmailLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation Barring Gulmarg, night temp records slight rise in Kashmir;minus 3.7°C in Srinagar Sneak-peek: Not On Field, But Off Field Star Pakistan All-rounder Shoaib Malik Completes Hattrick of Marriages; Sania Mirza’s Father Reacts