14 DEC 2023, New Delhi

As on 08.12.2023, the total employment recorded on the Udyam Registration Portal (since 01.07.2020 to 08.12.2023) was 15,55,17,930 (including informal micro enterprises registered on Udyam Assist Platform). 

The details of contribution of Khadi and Village industries to the ‘Vocal for Local’ campaign are given below:

KVIC is implementing KVI activities like, Khadi Vikas Yojana, Gramodyog Vikas Yojana, Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme, SFURTI etc. for promotion of local products and to move the KVI products towards ‘Vocal for Local.

Under “Vocal for Local” campaign, KVIC has conducted following activities:

  • Considering the need of the hour to have online visibility and selling platforms and also to contribute towards “Vocal for Local”, KVIC strengthened the supply/marketing mechanism of Khadi and Village Industry products including, through e-Market linkage with MSMEs-GeM portal (, and a dedicated online portal ( This platform has an extensive category range covering Apparel, Beauty, Grocery, Essentials, Accessories, Gifts, Fabric, and Toys etc.
  • KVIC participated/sponsored 26 events organized by other Govt. Departments/NGO’s for promotion as well as building awareness about the schemes of KVIC and KVI products.
  • Khadi Fest organised in Mumbai from 2nd to 30th October, 2023.
  • KVIC participated in IITF 2023 organized by India Trade Promotion Organization (ITPO) in New Delhi from 14th to 27th November, 2023 and sale of Rs.15.03 Cr. was reported in the event.
  • KVIC organized Mati Kala Mahotsav in Gujarat during 2nd to 4th December, 2023.
  • Two State Level Exhibitions have also been organized in Andhra Pradesh and Nagpur.
  • Khadi Mahotsav 2023 was organized from 2nd October, 2023 to 15th November, 2023. Under Khadi Mahotsav, 186 Mini Exhibitions have been organized in Pan India, and Rs.9.84 Crore sales have been recorded with about 2.57 lakh footfall.

Further, to sensitize the youths towards Khadi, ‘Vocal for Local’ and make youth and public at large aware of ‘Vocal for Local Campaign, Khadi and Village Industries have issued advertisement through print media, broadcast Radio Jingle at Pan India basis. Press Releases are also being published with mention of the ‘Vocal for Local campaign’.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Shri Bhanu Pratap Singh Verma in a written reply to the Lok Sabha today.(PIB)

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