M S Nazki jammu, Oct 5 (GNS): A Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) of army was killed in firing by Pakistani army along the Line of Control in Rajouri district, officials said on Monday. They said Pakistan army violated ceasefire along LOC in Babakhori area of Nowshera in Rajouri district.“One Subedar Sukhdev Singh of 16 Grenadier was killed,” they said. An army officer confirmed that killing of the JCO and said that “befitting reply has been given.” On October 1, three soldiers were killed and five others injured in firing by Pakistan along Line o Control in Kupwara and Poonch district, according to army. Two soldiers were killed and four others injured in Naugam sector of Kupwara in north Kashmir while a soldier was killed and another injured along LoC in Krishna Ghati Sector of Poonch district. (GNS) Share this:PostWhatsAppTelegramTweetEmailLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation 95-year-old among 10 more die due to covid-19, toll1255 54 SFs men among 632 new covid-19 cases in J&K, tally nears 80000