Jammu: As per a notification issued here today by the Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir, Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, in exercise of powers conferred by proviso to Article 309 of Constitution of India and in supersession of all rules/orders on the subject has directed that there shall be no oral test for posts upto and including Pay Level 5 (Rs.29200-92300) and the selection for all such posts shall be made on the basis of written test only with further stipulation that trade test/skill test wherever prescribed shall continue to be held as per the relevant recruitment rules. This notification shall also apply to such of the selections undertaken by the recruiting agency where the written test has not been conducted on the date of publication of this notification: provided that the procedure for selection for all posts for which test has already been conducted by the recruiting agencies shall continue to be governed by the rules/orders in force on the date of advertisement. (GNS) Share this:PostWhatsAppTelegramTweetEmailLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation High Court disposes of petition against Mian Qayoom’s PSA detention J&K Contributes Rs 10-Cr To PM CARES Fund