Srinagar, Feb 25 (GNS): Anti Corruption Bureau on Thursday produced charge Sheet against Fayaz Ahmad, the then Naib Tehsildar, Sopore, in a “successful trap” case registered almost seven years ago. The ACB had lodged the case (FIR No. 01/2019) under section 5(1) (d) r/w 5(2) JK PC Act, Svt. 2006, 4 (A) Amendment Act 2014 following a written complaint. The chargesheet was filed before the Court of Special Judge Anti-Corruption Baramulla, ACB said in a statement issued to GNS. The complainant had stated that he purchased 14 marlas of land at Noorbagh Sopore in 2009 and got the sale-deed registered by Sub-Registrar Sopore but the land was not transferred to his name. He approached the concerned Naib Tehsildar namely Fayaz Ahmad and requested several times to get the land transferred to his name. The concerned officer allegedly demanded a bribe of Rs 12,000 for transfer of land. Subsequently, the complainant approached ACB for legal action. “A successful trap was laid and the accused was caught red handed while accepting the bribe money of Rs 12,000 as illegal gratification from the complainant.” The accused was arrested on spot and a case U/S 5(1) (d) r/w 5(2) JK PC Act, Svt. 2006, 4 (A) Amendment Act 2014 was registered. “The next date of hearing has been fixed on 27.03.2021.” (GNS) Share this:PostWhatsAppTelegramTweetEmailLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation DAK calls for Covid-19 variant testing in Kashmir Dal Lake Among 12 Swachh Iconic Places In Phase-IV