Rehan Showket Srinagar, July 17(GNS): A paramilitary Central Reserve Police Force trooper was critically injured after he allegedly shoot himself with his service rifle at Dalgate in Central Kashmir’s Srinagar district on Friday morning. A senior police officer told GNS that the CRPF trooper from 61 Battalion fired upon himself with his service rifle at Dalgate, leaving him critically wounded. Identifying him as constable Parveen Munda, the officer said that he was immediately shifted to 92 base Hospital for treatment. Asked about the reasons for the trooper to take such an extreme step, the officer said the investigations have been started in this regard. (GNS) Share this:PostWhatsAppTelegramTweetEmailLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation Kashmir Reports 3 More Covid-19 Deaths, J&K Toll 225 601 new covid-19 cases in J&K, tally rises to 12757