The youthful stage of life, for a great majority of people living in the world, brings goosebumps. This is a period of charm, sheen and what not. The irony being that, it has become a sad story for the youth of this valley Jammu and Kashmir. It is as tragic as anything when the unlucky youth doesn’t get a chance to enjoy this youthful arena. A youthful charm and energy is only up-to-date or meaningful when the subconscious dimensions of living match and synchronize well with this youth. The main driving force keeping this spirit of youth alive in the present world is definitely money. This money acts as a fuel and marks a huge difference in the living standards of people, giving rise to poor, rich, royal, below average and other such scales. In the present world, this fuel (money) has a typical character of turning black to white and vice versa. Our mental spirit, enthusiasm, passion, talent and other synonymous vibes are utterly mapped and shaped up by money. This money, when available at the right time makes the complete ride worthwhile. Although the royal people, either by hook Or crook run their show, the ones who get victimized in this cruel framework are definitely the middle class people. In a valley where the corruption, hue and cry and other ill activities are rooted within the oceanic depths and have become the talk of the town, the youthful sheen has got eclipsed and has been put to sleep. It is much disheartening and frustrating when the talent gets wasted, owing to the murky system that prevails here. Even a power-packed group of lions lose all their Will, integrity and passion when their roars are never taken into account but are taken for granted. Same is the case with our youth whose hard work, sleepless nights, silent cries and a pure hearted benevolence is getting ignored without getting any legitimate response from those running the system. This invites more troubles when a young man loses all his respect in the family/society. A man facing an intense tumult and chaos never lives his youth as the world alongside  us lives because he gets entrapped in a vicious cycle of cobwebs which later on even hinders him from keeping the wolves from the door.

Whilst moving ahead with this written piece, I would definitely like to praise the young guns of this valley who are trying really hard and sweating it out for their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters in particular, and for their families in general, holding their deadliest swords (pens) in their hands and gripping them like the swords in any battlefield being backed up by a Medicine namely “HOPE”.

I can feel the plight of our young generation while writing this brief article. These youth are making sure that the hope remains there and even during these tough times of dark and gloom, the spirit of light stays lit big time.

This open air prison that is holding us tenaciously, giving rise to an uneasy state of affairs and eroding the most fertile parts of our brains may certainly seem frustrating for the so called “sunken youth”, and even turn a great majority of us silent and immovable, but this sacrifice augmented by the wounds of hope will In Sha Allah definitely heal us all and put an end to this harsh reality. The fainted, silent and depressed youth should paint their colorless vibes and keep in mind the very words, “Calm before the storm!”. Something big will follow, bring an evolution and change it all, breaking the shackles of this prison. I hope that the bright days will be witnessed by all soon. Finally two quotes worth mentioning here are:

Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent – Adam Smith

People who have no hold over their process of thinking are likely to be ruined by liberty of thought – Sir Mohammad Iqbal (R. A)

– The writer can be reached at fazilfayaz2018@gmail.com

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