Nadeem Nadu Srinagar, June 2 (GNS): The swab samples of a former Union minister P Namgyal returned positive for the novel coronavirus on Tuesday, making it the first case of covid-19 fatality in Ladakh. Three-time Congress MP from Ladakh, the 83-year-old had died yesterday and is survived by his wife and three daughters. Namgyal had returned from Delhi nearly a fortnight ago.“His swap sample came out to be positive today,” Commissioner Secretary, Ladakh, Rigzin Sampheal, told GNS over phone.Widely respected among Buddhists in Ladakh, Namgyal was also an agriculturist, and a social worker, besides having interest in sports and music as well. He had served the Pradesh Congress Committee in the erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir state as secretary general and vice president. He also remained Union minister of State during 1988-89. (GNS) Share this:PostWhatsAppTelegramTweetEmailLike this:Like Loading... Post navigation Leading Pulmonologist Tests PositiveUrges Govt To Have Scientific SOP For Corona Warriors, Expresses Gratitude To People For Wishes Covid-19 positive patient escapes isolation centre, brought back in Kupwara